What It's About
We were created in relationship, not only with God, but with one another. When we gather and grow in our faith together, we experience life as God intended - in community. Spiritual transformation happens best when we join an authentic and caring group, centered around Scripture.
Rooted is a small group experience designed to connect you to God, the church and your purpose. Together, in a group of people you'll explore the Bible, engage in prayer, and serve together. These spiritual practices aren't new, or something the church recently created, every one of them is found in Acts 2 where the early church began. Whatever stage of life you're in - there is a seat for you! Tables range from youth, young adults, single adults, young married couples, empty nesters all the way to older adults.
We've seen people grow to have deep, lasting friendships because of this night. We can't wait for you to experience it!
The Details
We've got your kids & dinner covered!
(Childcare + kids ministry for all ages, please bring a dish to add to our potluck meal)