How to Get Connected
Whether you are new to our church, or have been here a long time - here are ways you can get connected and join the life of our church. No matter what walk of life you are currently in.
1st & 3rd Monday of the month
Strong & Courageous Mens Night
(6:30pm in the FLC) - Join with other men as they fight for their families, marriages & community. Dinner provided.
fourth monday of the month
She Matters Ladies Night
(6pm in the FLC) - We are better together. Join us for a potluck meal & vulnerable conversation. Bring a dish & a friend! Childcare provided for 0 - 5 years old.
High School Youth Group (9th - 12th grade)
(6:15pm in the FLC) - Our desire is to create a safe space for students to talk about their life & encounter God! Dinner provided.
Moms With Purpose
(9-11am in the CLR) - If you're looking for community, join us for a casual conversation & bible study. Coffee, breakfast & childcare provided!
Grief With Hope
(6pm @ Be Extra) - If you've lost someone you love, you're not alone. Get connected to this amazing group!
Brothers of Hope Mens Group
(6:30pm in the CLR) - Join this tight knit mens group every Wednesday night!
Middle School Youth Group (6th - 8th Grade)
(6:30pm - in the FLC) - Creating a safe space for students to belong and discover who they are. Dinner provided.
(6:30pm in the FLC) - We aren't meant to live life alone. Join us for a small group discussion with like minded individuals and a potluck meal. Childcare for all ages.
(6:30pm - in the children's building) Saved With Amazing Grace is our 4th & 5th grade ministry.
Kids Club
(6:30pm - in the children's building) Children's church for 4 years old to 3rd grade!
3rd thursday of the month
Bike Kitchen
(9am - located in the old Kmart parking lot) The bike kitchen repairs old bikes and gives them to the homeless along with a meal!
Every Friday
Be Extra Motor Park Outreach
(12pm at Motor Park in Marysville)
They provide shoes, meals, clothing, personal hygiene items and other essentials to the homeless.
last saturday of the month
Say Love
(7:30am - HP parking lot) We will disperse to different areas in our community to serve! Breakfast & lunch provided.
First sunday of the month
Prayer Night
(6pm in the sanctuary)
Join us for prayer & worship night as we pray for our county, state, country, nation & word!
fourth Sunday of the month
PT Cruisers (55 +)
(4pm in the FLC) - Join us for a potluck meal & fellowship!